Phonetics and Phonology : Year 2022-2023
Further information is found on Moodle. If you attend the course, please make sure you have activated your "ENT" account so that you will be registered.
Lecture (provisional programme)
Week 1 : Introduction
Week 2 : Prosody 1 (Stress in compounds and phrases)
Week 3 : Prosody 2 (Stress in phrasal verbs)
Week 4 : Prosody 3 (Stress shift)
Week 5 : Prosody 4 (Intonation : Tones in monosyllabic utterances)
Week 6 : Prosody 5 (Intonation : Tonicity)
Week 7 : Speech Chain (figure)
Week 8 : Speech Chain and branches of phonetics
Week 9 : Organs of speech production : 3 functions (initiation, phonation, articulation)
Week 10 : Consonants 1 (voicing ; places of articulation ; manners of articulation)
Week 11 : Consonants 2 (French and IPA) ; Vowels
Coming soon : Consonants in detail (aspiration and devoicing in plosives, fricatives and affricates / approximants preceded by plosives) ; Introduction to phonology (Phonemes and allophones ; natural classes ; distinctive features)
(Revision questions 1 : 2022-2023)
(Revision questions 2 : 2022-2023)
Computer-based Practice
(Praat Tutorial in French by Cédric Gendrot, LPP, Paris 3)
Week 2
- Real-time F0 tracking on AmPitch
Week 8
- Phonetic analysis software Praat
- Open a sound file ("Open" > "Read From File")
- "View & Edit"
- Oscillogram (demostration)
- Time axis
- Zoom in & out, Zoom to selection
- Listening to the recording
- Visualization of pitch (fundamental frequency) curve
- Adjustment of visible pitch range ("Pitch" > "Pitch Settings")
Week 9
- Annotation with TextGrid : select a "Sound" objet in "Praat Objects" window > "Annotate -" > "To TextGrid...", then select the new object "TextGrid" and the corresponding "Sound" object, then "View & Edit".
- Saving TextGrid files : ("View & Edit" window) "File" > "Save TextGrid as text file..."
Week 10
Weeks to come
- Revision
- Mono and stereo recording
Week ?
- Revision
- Annotation with TextGrid
- Exercise : Pronounce the following utterances in different tones (fall, rise, fall-rise, rise-fall, level) and check the pitch curve on AmPitch : "no".
Coming soon
- Recording on a computer (directly on Praat : "New" > "Record Mono Sound")
- Practice on noun-noun compounds (falling tone)
- Oscillogram and spectrogram
- Annotation with TextGrid
- Sampling frequency
- Sound file formats : .wav, .aiff,
.mp3, .m4a, ...
- Exercise : Pronounce the following utterances in different tones (fall, rise, fall-rise, rise-fall, level) and check the pitch curve on AmPitch : "no", "yes", "those", "you mustn’t worry"
- Practice on tones
- Spectrogram : plosives p ?? ; fricatives f ?? ???s ?? ; affricates t ??? ; nasals m ??
- (mid-term test)
- Spectrogram : French oral vowels /i e ? a (?) ? o u y ø œ/
- Spectrogram : Diphthongs and monophthongs (/me ?t/-/met/, / ?e ?d/-/ ?ed/, /te ?l/-/tel/, ...)
- Spectrogram : Plosives and fricatives in English and French (Eng. "pack"-"back" / Fr. "Pâques"-"bac" ; Eng. "back"-"bag" / Fr. "bac"-"bague" ; Eng. "pie"-"spy" ; Eng. "face"-"phase" / Fr. "face"-"phase" ; Eng. "(letter) H"-"age" ; Eng. "crab"-"class"-"cute"-"twin")
- Revision