Conservative Women : A History of Women and the Conservative Party, 1874 to the Present. (Basingstoke : Palgrave/Macmillan, 1998 and New York : St Martin’s Press, 1998) 242 pages, Bibliography, Index, ISBN : 0-333-68695-0 (hbk)
Anglo-American Policy Towards the Free French. (Basingstoke : Palgrave/ Macmillan, 1995, St Martin’s press, 1996) 210 pages, Bibliography, Index, ISBN : 0-333-63239-7 (hbk)
Edited Volumes
Domestic Policy Discourse in the United Kingdom and the United States in the “New World Order”. Editor, author of the introduction and the chapter : “The Search for a ‘New’ Rhetoric of the Left since 1992 : A Look at Strategies of the Democrats and Labour”. (Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010) 297 pages, Bibliography, Index, Isbn13 : 978-1-4438-2429-3 ; Isbn : 1-4438-2429-1 (hbk)
Foreign Policy Discourse in the United Kingdom and the United States in the “New World Order”. Editor and author of the introduction and the following chapters : “‘Freedom, Democracy and the Rule of Law’ : The Debate in Great Britain around the Return of Hong Kong to China, 1992-1997” et “‘Lifting the Veil of Hostility’ : Discourse on Russia by British and American Political Leaders”. (Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Press, 2009). 342 pages, Bibliography, Index, Isbn13 : 978-1-4438-0131-7 ; Isbn : 1-4438-0131-3 (hbk)
La démocratie au Royaume-Uni au XXe siècle [Democracy in the United Kingdom in the 20th Century] with Agnès Alexandre-Collier, (Paris : University Paris VIII/RATP, 182 pges Bibliography (ppb)
Jointly Written Books
La démocratie au XXe siècle [Democracy in the 20th Century]M-A Matard-Bonucci, A. Dulphy, E. Lynch, G. Maguire, S. Schirmann, J. Vaïsse (Paris : Atlande, 2000) 960 pages, Bibliography, Glossary, Index, ISBN : 2-912232-15-5 (ppb)
Articles :
“The U.S. Congress and the Politics of Afghanistan : An Analysis of the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees during George W. Bush’s Second Term” in the Cambridge Review of International Affairs (June 2013)
“The Final Reflection ? A Mirrored Empire ? Klingon History and American History”, Star Trek and History, edited by Nancy Reagin (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2013) ISBN-13 : 978-1-1181-6763-2 ; ISBN-10 : 1118167635
“‘Fear Is the Path to the Dark Side’ : Nuclear Weapons and the Death Star”, Star Wars and History, edited by Nancy Reagin et Janice Liedl (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2012) pages 203-226, ISBN-10 : 0470602007 ; ISBN-13 : 978-0470602003
“The Destruction of New York City : A Recurrent Nightmare of American Cold War Cinema”, Cold War History (November, 2009), 9:4, pages 513-524
“Supervillains and Cold War Tensions in the 1950s”, The Ages of Superman, edited by Joseph Darowski, (McFarland & Co, 2012) Print ISBN : 978-0-7864-6308-4 ; Ebook ISBN : 978-0-7864-8964-0 ; notes, bibliography, index, 246pp. softcover (6 x 9) pages 16-28
?The Conservative Party and Women’s Suffrage”, Suffragism outside the Suffrage Movement, edited by Myriam Boussahba-Bravard (Basingstoke : Palgrave/Macmillan, 2007). ISBN-13 : 978-1-4039-9596-4 (hbk) ; ISBN-10 : 1-4039-9596-6 (hbk) pages 52-76
"Personal Relations between British and American Leaders, 1945-1963". This article was published in the book La "Relation spéciale" Royaume-Uni/Etats-Unis, entre mythe et réalité (1945-1990), edited by Agnès Alexandre-Collier (Paris : Edition du temps, 2002)
"’Notre mal de tête commun’ : Churchill, Roosevelt et de Gaulle" ["’Our Mutual Headache’ : Churchill, Roosevelt and de Gaulle"] La Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, (October- November 1995) 42 : 4
Recent Papers at Conferences :
“The US Senate and Afghanistan during George W Bush’s Second Term”, paper given at the Research Seminar of the Politics and International Relations Department, University of Reading, 15 January 2013
“Robert Byrd : A Case Study of Senatorial Leadership in the Iraq War”, paper given at the conference “Leadership politique” at the ’Université de Bourgogne, 9-10 November 2012
“GWOT, The Global War on Terror – Gee, What’s in a Name ?”, paper given at the conference “"LABELLING : Langue et Politique, Politique des Mots" le 13 January 2012, organized by l’EA 1569 à Paris 8
‘Star Wars et la Guerre froide : intention et réception’, paper given at the conference « La Guerre froide et le cinéma » à l’Université de Paris 8, janvier 2012
“Battlestar Galactica and the Global War on Terror”. Paper given at the conference “Les séries télévisés américaines contemporaines : entre la fiction, les faits et le réel”, Université de Paris-Diderot, 6-7 May 2011
"Justification for War : A Comparative Study of How George W. Bush and Tony Blair Presented the Iraq War to Their Respective Citizens". Paper given at the conference : "Les stratégies électorales en Grande-Bretagne et aux Etats-Unis : influences, similitudes et particularismes at the Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, 3 April 2008. This paper was published in 2009 in the book Stratégies et campagnes électorales en Grande-Bretagne et aux Etats-Unis (Paris : L’Harmattan) edited by Renée Dickason, David Haigron, et Karine Rivière-De Franco
“The Search for a ‘New’ Rhetoric of the Left since 1992 : A Look at Strategies of the Democrats and Labour” given at the conference, “Le discours politique aux Etats-Unis et au Royaume-Uni depuis 1992”, Université de Paris VIII, 3 May 2007
“Maud, Countess of Selborne : The Making of a Conservative Feminist”. Given 9 July 2006 at the Royal Holloway University de Londres dans le cadre du colloque “Beyond the Widening Sphere : New Transatlantic Perspectives on Victorian Women”
“Une analyse comparative des discours de guerre de George W. Bush et de Tony Blair”. Given 4 May 2006 in the conference “Le discours politique en Grande-Bretagne et au Royaume-Uni depuis 1992” at the Université de Paris VIII.
?Les expressions de la "Britishness" : étude comparative des discours de guerre de David Lloyd George et de Winston Churchill ?. [The Expression of Britishness in the War Speeches of David Lloyd George and Winston Churchill] Paper given at the colloquium ?Angleterre ou Albion, entre fascination et répulsion : De la Grande Exposition au Dôme du millénaire, 1851 – 2000 ? at the University of Lille III, 15-16 octobre 2004 (published 2005)
?La conception de la citoyenneté dans les discours de guerre de Churchill et de Roosevelt ?. [The Conception of Citizenship in the War Speeches of Churchill and Roosevelt]. Paper given at the University of Clermont-Ferrand on 30 April 2004.
"The Pursuit of Happiness in Time of War : Franklin Roosevelt’s and Winston Churchill’s Vision of the Post-War World in their War-Time Speeches". This paper given on 15 December 2003 at the University of Cergy Pontoise.
"We Shall Fight" : The Representation of Conflict in Churchill’s Most Famous Speech". This paper was given in October 2002 in the colloquium "Les conflits individuels, sociaux et politiques dans le monde anglophone, expression et résolution" at the University of Cergy Pontoise.